Quality Pine Lumber


Mostly uses for Ponderosa pine include boxes and crates, Building construction, Cabinetmaking, Carvings, Concrete formwork, Decks, Exterior trim & siding, Framing, Furniture , General carpentry, Interior trim, Millwork, Paneling, Turnery, Bedroom suites, Cabin construction, Chairs, Chests, Concealed parts (Furniture), Dining-room furniture, Dowels, Drawer sides, Fine furniture, Furniture parts, Joists, Light construction, Moldings, Office furniture, Packing cases, Rustic furniture, Structural work, Utility furniture


Available width 100m-250mm
Available lengths Up to 4000mm
Available moisture percentage 8-12% and 12% -18%

Humidity Klin Dried and Fresh cut
Quantity (each month) MIN: 30m3; MAX-1000m3
Type: Edge and UN-edged

Finishing Rough Sawn, S2S,S3S,S4S, Smooth

Species: Pine Lumber

Specification: Softwood

Usage Furniture, flooring etc

Processing: 14 to 30 Days Depending on the quantity Order

We can customize order dimensions on request