Cherry Lumber


Cherry Hardwood Lumber are cabinetry, fine furniture, interior flooring, interior moulding and trim, veneer, and specialty wood crafted items. Cherry Wood acquires a rich reddish-brown patina as it ages. This seasoning process is accelerated by exposure to direct sunlight and the UV rays emitted. Cherry Lumber is very easy to work. Cherry Wood has a fine texture and is a strong relatively durable material. When Cherry wood fully ages it becomes rich and dark. Woodworkers often imitate the color of Cherry Hardwood Lumber by staining Poplar and Maple


Available width 100m-250mm
Available lengths Up to 4000mm
Available moisture percentage 8-12% and 12% -18%

Humidity Klin Dried and Fresh cut
Quantity (each month) MIN: 30m3; MAX-1000m3
Type: Edge and UN-edged

Finishing Rough Sawn, S2S,S3S,S4S, Smooth

Specification: Hard wood

Usage Furniture, flooring etc

Processing: 14 to 30 Days Depending on the quantity Order