Defatted Soya Flakes


Defatted Soya Flakes is a processed product obtained from Soya bean seeds. The flakes have creamish yellow color, high protein, and low fat and contains less than 1 percent oil. Defatted Soya Flakes (Untoasted) are used in manufacture of protein concentrates, protein isolates and soya flour, Textured Soya Protein (Soya chunks/Soya granules), also can be used in the same way as rice, wheat or corn flour to make breads, complementary foods for children, cereals, porridges, cookies, muffins, pastries, cakes, noodles, naan, soups and sauces, snacks, beverages, tortillas, and animal feed.

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Certifications: Phytosanitary Certificate

Labeling: Agricultural Advancements, L.L.C can provide a private label, special marking on many products.

Sample Product Specifications

Agricultural Advancements, L.L.C can supply the product as per specification, conditionally domestic crop, weather, and another condition permit. Use “Inquire now” tool on this page to submit your particular requirements.